I'm sorry, but I can't personalize items. :,(

About Ellan


It took me 40 years to purchase a horse. Why?


That ruthless beast that robs us of our potential. 

Well, this shop is my journey through anxiety to do what I've wanted to do, maybe not for 40 years, but certainly for 30. Own a business. 

And because of the way I am, I want...no, NEED to help other with their journey through Anxiety. [However, Please See Medical Disclaimer.]

(P. S. I nearly had an anxiety attack going public with this. But, hey, I published it anyway. Yeah, Anxiety is still here, but I'll deal.)

A little bit more about myself:

I write fantasy fictions (and will soon offer my stories and novels for sale on this site or on another). 

I'd love to make my fiction into graphic novels, but have yet to dedicate the time to improve my drawing skills. 

I love taking photographs. All the photos on the home page but for the tigerlily flower photo are mine. Many of the photographs on the journal are mine. (Do a Search for EllanBethia on HeartsFlourish, if you're curious. I also have journals for sale on Redbubble, http://www.redbubble.com/people/heartsflourish)

I'm a INFJ (Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Judging, per the Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INFJ. Fascinating stuff.)

I play video games. Guild Wars 2, atm. 

I've suffered Anxiety all my life. I know because I've bit my nails all my life.

My horse is a Tennessee Walker. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tennessee_Walking_Horse for more information on the breed.

The horse photo on the Home page is of a herd of Paints, btw, not Tennessee Walkers. These Paints are bred at Southern Cross Ranch, Madison, GA, http://www.southcross.com/ , a wonderful B&B with riding opportunities. I can't wait to go back.

Last, I love to learn. I'm a graduate of law  school. No, I don't give legal advice as I do not currently practice. I also have a Ph.D. in the Humanities, specifically in Early Modern (~Renaissance) Italian Women Poets. Try saying that after a glass or two of wine. heh

I hope you will join me on my journey, in spite of Anxiety, to fulfill my potential. Email me any  time at HeartsFlourish@gmail.com. 

I also have shops @

https://www.redbubble.com/people/HeartsFlourish  which features products sporting only my photographs.
